
Utility Locate in Prescott

The purpose of this utility locate was to potentially find the main water line. The customer is going to be installing a canopy in the area where this main water line was found. It was crucial to find the water line and trace it out so that the customer was aware of the water line running down the middle of the install area. It is necessary using underground utility locating to find any other potential lines as well, as it is our duty to ensure safety on all projects.

The company that hired GPRS made the wise decision to have utility locating done prior to digging. A 400 mHz antenna with the Ground Penetrating Radar was used by GPRS to scan the areas as well as a Radio Detection wand which picks up most utilities with a current running through it. All of the findings were clearly marked on the surface with spray paint and discussed with the customer.

Prior to saw cutting, core drilling, excavating or boring in Arizona, be safe and it is the best practice to get as many questions answered as to what sub-surface obstructions are present in any given area. If you have questions about what lies beneath the surface you’re working on, GPRS should be able to give you a much clearer picture as to what you are dealing with. We are typically able to arrive on site to begin scanning the dedicated area within 1-2 days. GPRS will take care of your project in a timely, safe, and accurate manner. Contact Phoenix Area Manager, Troy Bullock, at (480) 227-8614 or