
Concrete Scanning at Commercial Property

Conduits in a concrete slab can cause a huge headache if hit while saw cutting. It’s very difficult to tell the direction they’re headed if you don’t take the proper precautions before cutting begins. Using ground penetrating radar can help determine the direction and depths of conduits located in a concrete slab. If there’s any question if conduits exist in a concrete slab, it is imperative that any and all of them are located prior to cutting.

Ground Penetrating Radar Systems was called to scan the floor of a commercial property prior to the installation of new floor boxes, and re-positioning existing ones. The scanning done by GPRS allowed the customer to confidently cut into the slab without damaging the conduits located just a few inches below the top of the slab. GPRS used a radio detection wand to pick up any live cables that might be in the area along with a 1600 MHz antenna with the ground penetrating radar to scan the areas. All of the findings were clearly marked on the surface with blue tape and discussed with the customer before drilling or cutting began. Whether working on a commercial property, an older historic landmark, or a freshly built hospital and everything in-between, Ground Penetrating Radar Systems can help.

Prior to saw cutting, core drilling, excavating or boring in Arizona, be safe & get as many questions answered as to what sub-surface obstructions are present. If you have questions about what lies beneath whatever surface you’re working on, GPRS should be able to give you a much clearer picture as to what you are dealing with. Typically able to arrive on site to begin scanning within 1-2 days, GPRS will take care of your project in a timely, safe, and accurate manner. GPRS can service anywhere you need work completed throughout the state, including but not limited to Phoenix, Tucson, Showlow, Flagstaff, Kingman, Prescott, rural or in the city. Contact Arizona GPRS Project Manager, Andrew Yates at (480) 229-8745 or